According to medical school rankings, the best medical schools in the world are located in USA, Europe and Australia. Each year, different medical schools in the world are evaluated and ranked using different criteria varying with different medical school rankings systems.
Examples of medical school ranking systems
Center for World-Class Universities of Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Medical schools as all universities are ranked according to their academic or research performance in each broad subject field. Ranking indicators include alumni and staff winning Nobel Prizes and Fields Medals, Highly Cited Researchers, articles indexed in Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCIE) and Social Science Citation Index (SSCI). Two new indicators were introduced, one is the percentage of articles published in the top 20% journals of each field, and the other is the engineering research expenditure.
QS World University Rankings criteria are the following
Research: assessments of research quality, productivity (number of papers published), citations (how recognized and referred to those papers are by other academics) and awards (e.g. Nobel Prizes or Fields Medals) etc.
Teaching: domestic teaching quality assessments, collation of student feedback, national student surveys and student faculty ratios.
Employability: surveys of employers, graduate employment rates and average graduate salaries. Graduate employability encompasses more than academic strength, focusing at the ability to work effectively in a multi-cultural team, to deliver presentations, to manage people and projects.
Facilities: sporting and medical facilities, number of students societies are considered within this criterion. University infrastructure is an indicator which enables students to know what to expect from their university experience.
Internationalization: proportion of international students and staff, the numbers of exchange students arriving and departing, the number and strength of international partnerships with other universities or the number of graduates are pursuing further study at overseas universities.
Innovation: output of the universities activities and findings to economy, society and culture.
Engagement: effective indicator showing the university's contribution to its local community.
Access: scholarships and bursaries, disability access and gender balance.
The Top 10 Medical Schools in the world in last decade have been always USA medical schools

Best medical schools abroad
Best medical schools in the world or top medical schools are in general hard to get in because of the higher competition and high fees. General speaking, each medical student, may chose best medical school in the word based in his personal case and reality. It is useless competing for top schools in the word if you know that the competition is extremely higher.
Therefore, for most students who cannot get a place in the university in their country and go to study medicine abroad may consider medical university abroad as the most medical school in the world for them. Anyhow, at the end of the day, the become Doctors. Also note that even if the medical schools are very important to become good doctor, the most important is the dedication and personal sacrifice of each student.
Looking for top medical schools in the word abroad, student must take into consideration of the school, the fees, accessibility, entrance prerequisites, and diploma recognition, language of instruction, etc.
Today, among the best medical schools abroad, are medical schools in Eastern Europe (Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Scheck,) in European Union. Medical schools in this destination offer various undergraduate and graduate programs, most of them at very affordable tuition fees. Medical programs include Medicine (6 year and 4 year –for graduate students- programs), dentistry (6 or 5 year programs depending on the country), pharmacy (5 year program), nursing (4 year program) etc. Diploma is recognized in all EEA and beyond. It is probably one of the best destinations for medical study abroad. Most of medical schools offer medical study programs in English, some of them even in French and German.
Medical Universities in Ukraine, Russia, and Georgia are also well known and highly appreciated.
To study medicine abroad in southern Europe in in Italy, Malta, and cypress is also a good option. Some medical schools in Spain offer also medical study programs in English.
Are looking to get into the top medical universities in the world based on your own personal case? Then let be guided and assisted by Medical Study Guide.
What determine a good doctor is not primarily which school he is graduated from, but his determination and dedication to medical education and practice. Therefore, if you want to be a good doctor, it's in you already and you must only find the best medical school for you, which leads you to your dream. Otherwise, how many doctors are graduated from those best ranked medical schools in the world? Remember: going to see a physician, nobody ask him from which school he has been graduated.
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