To get into medical study program abroad, student can first follow à Medicine foundation course (Preparatory Course). This medical preparatory program is designed for those students who wish to continue their higher university or post-university medical studies but do not have enough background in basic subjects (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Math ) or in medium of study (instruction language)for further medical studies abroad. The duration of the course is from 3 to 9 months depending on the schools and the purpose of following medical foundation Course.
Medical Study Foundation Courses – Foundation Year in English
Medical Study Foundation Course is general organized in English and for those who want to improve level of English or basic subjects for further medical studies. Medical Study Foundation programs are designed for a period of 3 to 9 months depending on the subjects and needs of each student.
This preparatory course can be organized by private institutions or by medical schools. Most medical preparatory courses organized by private institutions aim to prepare prospective medical students to pass entrance exams, while those included in medical school programs lead to direct admission without any more exams for relevant subjects.
Offering a range of courses, including intensive English language study, which bridges the gap between the students' current qualifications and background and the knowledge and skills required for honors courses, the International Foundation Year provides students with the necessary skills to proceed to further university studies.
Education of basic science subjects - biology, physics, mathematics and chemistry is quite demanding in Hungarian High Schools. The Foundation Year program is highly recommended for those applicants who do not have enough knowledge in biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics or in any of these subjects relevant to medical studies. In addition to these basic scientific subjects, courses in Academic English and national language of respective country languages are also included in the program.

Medical Preparatory Year Course Abroad
The preparatory year course or Medical study preparatory course aims to prepare medical students for studying in English, Romanian, Bulgarian or other foreign language and helps them to acquire the study skills and the high level of proficiency in language required for further medical study. Medical preparatory course includes not only the language study, but also Introduction to Medical Terminology, biology, anatomy, chemistry and physics. The successful completion of medical preparatory Course leads to direct admission to university or medical graduate studies.
This program is also required for those applying to medical doctorate studies or medical residency programs, but do not have enough commend of language of instruction. In many case, the course is then for at least 6 months leading to a certificate proving that the person is able to study in respective language.
To apply to apply to medicine in Romania / Bulgaria, the student must have, among other documents, an international recognized certificate of English, Bulgarian, Romanian or French (depending of the chosen language!). Those students without such certificate must seat for a test (in general English) after their arrival to the university. Students without proficiency in English, French, Bulgarian or Romanian must follow one year Preparatory Course before they start medical university study.
Why Medical Study Preparatory Course?
Medical students with an international recognised certificate of the required language;
Medical students with a good commend of required language and can prove that he has done high school in the same language;
Medical students with a good commend of required language, which is officially language of his country;
Medical students with a good commend of required language and can prove that he has used it at least 4 years at school;

Who need Medical study Preparatory Course?
Citizens of the EU, EEA or Switzerland, who would like to benefit of financial assistant from Romanian Government, must learn Romanian language because most of entrance exams are done in national language;
International medical students without a good command of English;
International medical students with a good command of English but who wont to have a solid base to start medical study by reviewing the fundamental subject for medical study (biology, anatomy, chemistry and physics) before they start medical university study;
International students who would like to study in Romanian language in Romania/Bulgaria;
International medical students who would like to undergo postgraduate specialisation in medicine. All postgraduate specialisation are conducted in national language.
Students who would like to follow a medical study program which is not available in international language
Main Goals of Medical Preparatory Course are to:
Upgrade knowledge of the teaching language (English, Bulgarian or Romania language);
Improve knowledge of the subject required for medical study;
Smoothen transition for the second school to the higher school;
Minimize adaptation problems for newcomers;
Note that if we can get sufficient number of prospective students on time, we can organise a short program of preparatory programs. The programs give foreign students the best chance to succeed once further medical study. Important to know that a preparatory year is not compulsory and during this year, students are not always considered matriculated students.
At the end of this course, the students are awarded language certificate allowing him to undertake automatically (without any additional exam) university studies in the same language.
Tuition fees of preparatory course are depended on the university (and the length, knowledge level of candidates).
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