Medicine in Bulgaria - Master’s Program
Medicine in Bulgaria is a 6 year program leading to Master degree in medicine. The training is carried out in correspondence to a syllabus developed on the basis of the state requirements for the program.
The course of study is structured in the following way: two years of pre-clinical study, followed by three years of clinical study. The last – sixth – year is devoted to the state clinical practice (internship).
Graduates are conferred a Master’s degree along with the professional qualification of Physician.
Dental Medicical in Bulgaria - Master’s Program
Dental Medical in Bulgaria is a six year program leading to degree of Masterin Dentistry. The program includes three stages: training in medical and biological subjects, training in clinical medicine subjects, and a pre-graduation internship in Prosthetic Dentistry, Conservative Dental Treatment, Oral and Maxillo-facial Surgery, Pediatric Dental Medicine, Orthodontics and Parodontology.

Pharmacy study in Bulgaria
Pharmacy study in Bulgaria is a 5 year and 6 month program leading to Master degree. In Pharmacy. The course of study includes three stages qualification of Master pharmacist and the educational and qualification degree of Master.
Nursing Study in Bulgaria - Bachelor’s Program
Nursing study in Bulgaria is a four year program and leads to a bachelor degree in Nursing. The Nursing study in Bulgaria is conducted in accordance with the modern curriculum and syllabi meeting the European and world standards and requirements. Students are trained in general and special nursing care, medical, biological, and clinical subjects and humanities: medical psychology, ethics, sociology, health legislation etc.
Midwifery study in Bulgaria
The Midwifery study in Bulgaria is program leading to a bachelor degree in Nursing.
The teaching process is aimed at the acquisition of knowledge and skills in the field of primary prevention, the general and specific obstetric care for pregnant women, women in labour, women who have just given birth and their newborns as well as for women with gynecological diseases, family planning, etc.
Health Care Management study in Bulgaria
Health Care Management study in Bulgaria satisfies the necessities for the management of the health care and social systems. The training is oriented towards the students’ acquiring two educational and qualification degrees – Bachelor's and Master's. The training for the Bachelor’s degree is full-time, lasts four years (eight semesters) and finishes with a state exam. The Master program – after obtaining Bachelor’s degree in Health Care Management – lasts one year, while the Master’s program after studying another program lasts two years and ends with an examination or with a Master’s thesis defense.

Nursing Management study in Bulgaria
Nursing Management study in Bulgaria aims at the students’ acquiring two educational degrees: Bachelor’s and Master’s. The training for the educational degree of Bachelor is full-time only, developed on the basis of the Unified State Requirements for the program and lasts five semesters. During the last semester, the students have a pre-graduation internship in Health Care Management and Pedagogic. The training finishes with a practical and a theoretical state examination.
The training for the educational degree of Master is full-time and is conducted in correspondence to two syllabi as follows: if the student has a Bachelor’s degree in the same program, the training lasts two semesters; if the student has a Bachelor’s degree in another program, the training lasts three semesters.
Graduates can obtain professional qualification in two complementary directions: “Health Care Manager” and “Medical Practice Instructor”.
Public Health study in Bulgaria
Public Health study in Bulgaria leads to obtaining a Master’s degree and aims at the students’ acquiring multi-subject knowledge and skills, necessary for practice and research in the field of the prophylaxis of the diseases, health promotion and health care management.
Medical laboratory assistant study in Bulgaria
Medical laboratory assistance study in Bulgaria is a 3 year program leading to a bachelor degree. The Medical laboratory assistant, as a health specialist, is eligible to work in all types of medical diagnostic and research laboratories – both public and private. Some of his/her main duties involve blood testing, urine analysis, as well as all other physical fluids and secrets. Histological, microbiological and parasitological tests are also performed by the Medical laboratory assistant.
Assistant-pharmacist in Bulgaria
The program is organized for 3 years and leads to bachelor degree.
The assistant-pharmacist actively takes part in medicine supply and production. He prepares and distributes medicines, herbal mixtures, sanitary and hygienic materials, cosmetic and dietary products and others in the frame of his competencies under the control of a Master-pharmacist or independently. The assistant-pharmacist can work in pharmacies, pharmacy warehouses, laboratories, in pharmaceutical plants and drugstores.
Sanitary inspector/ Public Health Inspector
The program is organized for 3 years and leads to bachelor degree.
The sanitary inspector/ the public health inspector is a health specialist responsible for the implementation of state sanitary control in the field of communal hygiene, labour hygiene, nutrition hygiene, teenage hygiene and epidemiology. This is a complex and comprehensive health activity which aims to protect human environment, prevent illnesses and improve the population's health and ability to work.
Technical Dental Assistant
The program is organized for 3 years and leads to bachelor degree.
The technical dental Assistant is a specialist who is authorized to work in all dental mechanical laboratories. S/he is responsible for the development of all kinds of dentures, bridges and crowns (including removable and non-removable dentures, method of model casting, metal-ceramics and all types of orthodontist's appliances.)
Physiotherapy Assistant
The program is organized for 3 years and leads to bachelor degree.
The training in this program aims at preparing specialists for the therapeutic, health resort and rehabilitation centers. Upon graduation, students obtain theoretical and practical preparation for the early prevention of the development of diseases and their complications and for maximum disease rehabilitation in order to improve the quality of the patient’s life.
X-ray Laboratory Assistant
The program is organized for 3 years and leads to bachelor degree.
The course emphasizes on training specialists in the field of imaging diagnostics. The latter includes conventional x-ray diagnostics, ultrasound diagnostics and also profound x-ray techniques: computer tomography (head scanning), breast scanning, magnetic resonance and interventional methods. The technique of nuclear medicine and x-ray therapy are studied.
Social Work study in Bulgaria
The program is organized for 3 years and leads to bachelor degree.
The graduates of this program work with the social groups of unemployed and lowest income people, with the mentally ill, with single mothers and elderly people. Graduates are eligible to work in the Offices for social activities, Homes for temporarily accommodation of under-age and minor children, Pedagogical Offices, Doctor’s commission of labor experts, dispensaries, rehabilitation centers, Labor Offices, etc.
Medical Cosmetics study in Bulgaria
The program is organized for 3 years and leads to bachelor degree.
The medical cosmetic specialist is a health specialist who has been instructed in the field of cosmetology, dermatology, plastic surgery, pharmacy, physical therapy. The graduates of this specialty are eligible to work in a cosmetic studio, in a beauty center team, in dermatological, cosmetic and physical and therapeutic centers, in plastic surgery clinics, drugstores and perfumeries, in balneal-centers, wellness, spa and thalaso-therapeutic centers, etc.
Medicine in Bulgaria
Study medicine in Bulgaria
Medical Unuversity programs
Medical university application
University application 2013
University tuition fees
Medical university in Bulgaria
Medical university of Pleven
Medical university of Varna
Medical university Plovdiv
Medical university of Sofia
My university Medical University of Sofia :)