Study medicine in Europe and beyond is becoming more and more competitive. Medical student can choose to study medicine abroad in Eastern (Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, etc. ) or Western Europe Medical in English based on medical university tuition fees, admission criteria, cost of live etc. Medical degree (medicine dentistry, Pharmacy, Nursing, etc.) from European Economic Area are recognized in all Europe and beyond.
In some European countries, to get a place in medicine and dentistry is fierce and students may want to consider ‘medicine-related’ options as a plan B such as Biology, Biomedical Sciences, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Psychology, Neuroscience, Dietetics, Physical Therapy, etc.
In Italy, Malta and Cyprus that offer medical courses in English. Tuition fees are usually around €25,000 per annum at private universities but Malta does not charge tuition fees at all for European students. The Italian public medical universities teach medicine in English (Milan, Pavia, Rome, Naples and Bari) at very reasonable tuition fees (€800 to €3,000 per year). However, the entry requirements can be quite complicated (see above) and the number of applicants far exceeds the number of places available.
Studying in medicine in Europe, international medical students have huge choice of medical courses in English and especially in national languages (German, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungarian, polish etc.) and smooth transferability and recognition of coursework and qualifications in Europe countries and beyond. Most medical universities have adopted Problem-based learning or combine Problem-based with Lecture-based learning.
Medical Courses in Europe in English
• Study medicine in Europe: Pre-Medical course
• Study medicine in Europe: General medicine in Europe
• Study medicine in Europe: Veterinary medicine in Europe
• Study medicine in Europe: Dentistry in Europe
• Study medicine in Europe: Pharmacy in Europe
• Study medicine in Europe: Nursing in Europe
• Study medicine in Europe: Medical PhP in Europe
Study medicine in Europe: General medicine in Europe
Medicalcourse program last five to six years (two years of pre-clinical training in an academic environment and 3 years of clinical training at a teaching hospital). Medical universities and teaching hospitals in Europe are closely integrated.
To study medicine in Europe, several four-year graduate entry schemes have been introduced in some European medical Universities. Those graduate programs cover a similar range and depth of knowledge to the undergraduate scheme but at a more intensive pace.
Study medicine in Europe: Dentistry in Europe
In Europe, dentistry program is 5 or 6 years, varying from country to country.
The five-year program (10 semesters) is designed to unify the basic and clinical sciences, as it is believed that scientific and professional development cannot be sharply separated but should proceed concurrently throughout the program.
In the first three years, the students are taught basic sciences – medical and dental courses – which are the foundation of clinical dentistry.
The last two years serve the intensive clinical study of each of the various disciplines of dentistry with emphasis on the assessment and management of patients.
In the final year students furthermore participate in elective programs, clinical conferences and hospital based practices. After the successful completion of the program, students are awarded the title Doctor of Dentistry.
Study medicine in Europe: Tuition fees
As medical study has become very competitive, in some countries, it is hard to get admission and tuition fees are expenses. In Europe, medical university tuition fees vary from free to around 20000 Euros/year.
Study medicine in Europe: Eastern Europe
Study medicine in Eastern Europe is politically divided into 2 parties: Eastern Europe courtier's member of EU (European Union) and EEA (European Economic Area) and Eastern Europe countries non- member of EU/EEA. Most of these countries offer good medical program in English (German and French) and tuition fees and living cost are very reasonable.
International students must bear in mind that even if the medical program is almost the same everywhere, there is limitation about diploma recognition after graduation. All EE/EEA and Suisse Confederation Countries recognize All medical qualification from European countries member of EU/EEA and Suisse Confederation. Doctors of Medicine (Dentistry, Pharmacy etc.) have access to further studies or to career opportunities in whole community without limitation. Medical students graduated from other countries outside of EU/EEA and Suisse confederation have access to further education or job opportunities in EU/EEA and Suisse confederation hardly (with risk of being underpaid!). Nevertheless, medical qualifications (Diplomas) from most European medical universities are recognized outside Europe.
Among well-known destination of international medical students in Eastern Europe, they are universities of medicine in Poland, Scheck Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania , Bulgaria ( as members of EU/EEA and Suisse Confederation), and universities of medicine in Russia, Ukraine and Georgia (non- EU/EEA countries) etc.
In most European Countries, it is easy to get into medical university but hard to become doctor (approximately 85 % of students are excluded within the first 2 years!). It is difficult to get in medical school in East European countries, but as soon as the student is admitted, he is hard worker and has a good education background; the possibility of becoming doctor is higher.
Study medicine in Europe: Medical credit transfer
Medical credit transfer in most medical universities abroad is possible. Medical university credit transfer in Europe in based on European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).
In ECTS system, each learning outcome is expressed in terms of credits, with a student workload, ranging from 1500 to 1800 hours for an academic year, and one credit generally corresponds to 25-30 hours of work.
Medical credit transfer in most European medical universities is possible only between the same programs. Therefore, medical student transfer can transfer from one medical university of 6-year program of medicine to 6-year program in the other university; dentistry program in one university to dentistry program in other university, from pharmacy to pharmacy etc. Normally, transfer from medical program to dentistry and vice versa is possible.
To study medicine in Europe, most universities accept medical university transfer only during on the preclinical studies (first 3 years). It is also possible to transfer medical university transfer up to 4th year of medicine or dentistry program of 6 years.
Studying medicine in Europe success requires application and hard work, both while studying and when in practice. However, it brings great rewards in terms of job satisfaction, involving as it does a combination of science and human interactions, and numerous medical career opportunities. All our medical university courses provide medical education and training required to be one of tomorrow's doctors of medicine, reflecting the latest advances in medical sciences and practice.
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