Courses of Veterinary Medicine in Romania are provided by faculties of veterinary Medicine under universities of Universities of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine (4 state faculties: Bicharest, Iasi, Cluj, Timisoara) or other universities (Titu Maiorescu university). Universities of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine offer several undergraduate and graduate programs under different faculties.
Most of Universities of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine have faculties of Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, veterinary medicine, etc., with different programs some of which are available in English and/or French.
The Universities of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Romania are specialized institutions of agronomic and veterinary medical training universities, financed by the state and having as fundamental mission the formation of agricultural, horticultural and zootechnical engineers, economic engineers in agriculture and veterinary surgeons.
Most universities of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Romania represent a serious partner, recognized by many European universities and instances in the field of activity.
International student wishing to study veterinary medicine in Romanian in Romanian language must first undergo one year preparatory course of Romanian language.
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest
The Veterinary Medical University of Bucharest was the first Veterinary Medical School founded (1883) in Romania, providing classes based on his curriculum. In the 1921, by the Law of Superior School of Veterinary Medicine, it becomes Faculty of Veterinary Medicine providing veterinary medical training at the academic education level.
Veterinary Medical University of Bucharest was the first and uric, at this time, faculty of veterinary medicine from Balkan area and many students from neigh borough countries (Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Macedonia, Albania, Greece) graduated, and still graduate here. It was the first Faculty of Veterinary Medicine to be included, from March 2002, on the list of Evaluated and Approved Institutions by European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education.
Today, the Veterinary Medical University of Bucharest is one of the 7 Faculties of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine (Veterinary Medicine, Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Science, Land Reclamation and Environmental Engineering, Biotechnologies and Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development).
Nowadays, The University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest is a modern education institution with all the forms of higher education, ranging from BSc, to MSc and PhD studies.
The faculty is providing long form education in two tracks Veterinary Medicine, the license degree leading to Doctor Veterinary Surgeon (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) and Control and expertise of alimentary products, the license program leading to Engineer.
Post-graduate education is carried out by the Academic School of Veterinary Medicine Postgraduate Studies, scholars being granted as expert in one of the fourth practice arms: physician, food hygiene, laboratory diagnostic and veterinary management. The postgraduate studies being entirely self-financed.
The professional body is involved in different national research projects, but also in international one, as those financed by World Bank or in partnership with other universities as Cambridge University (METAL Project).

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Iasi
The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Iasi (Ion Ionescu de la Brand) was founded in 1961. In 1974 it was combined with the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and becoming the Section of Veterinary Medicine of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine. After further reorganization in 1986, the faculty transferred into the Faculty of Agriculture, becoming the Department of Veterinary Science.
The University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Iasi is a specialized institution of superior agronomic and veterinary medicine training and it is financed by the state.
Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire d’Iasi organise plusieurs programmes sur plusieurs niveaux :
Études universitaires de longue durée : 6 ans (English and Romanian):
Médecine Vétérinaire (6 ans);
Études universitaires de courte durée : 3 ans (Romanian):
Hygiène et Laboratoire Vétérinaire;
Clinique et Pharmacie Vétérinaire.
Etudes post-universitaires (English and Romanian):
Recherche scientifique
Assistance sanitaire-vétérinaire dans les Cliniques Vétérinaires Universitaires
Diagnostic de laboratoire
Veterinary Medical Specializations and PhD of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Iasi
The candidates for the PhD programs must pass an examination in order to prove that they have the necessary background knowlwdge in the chosen field of study. They also need the scientific co-ordinator's written agreement.
The main fields of PhD are:
Infectious Diseases,
Microbiology - Immunology,
Normal and Pathological Morphology,
Obstetrics and Veterinary Andrology,
Parasitical Diseases,
Semiology and Medical Pathology,
Main direction of research of the faculty of veterinary medicine Iasi
The Iasi veterinary medical faculty’s scientific research deals with all the domains of veterinary medicine directed towards:
cellular and molecular biology;
food safety and public health;
fundamental research of animal morpho-physiology and morpho-pathology;
research regarding animal disease prevention and control Major themes of research refer to:
viability of endothelial cells in shock syndrome
histo-physiology of hypothalamus and hypophysis
silicon role in arteriosclerosis prevention
food infectious with: clostridium, Listeria, Campybacter, Bacillus cereus, Salmonella, Staphylococus;
diseases produced by myco-toxines;
Orthomyxoviruses' influence on animal pathology;
culture and pathology of aquatic organisms (fish, mollusc, shell-fish);
compared oncology.
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Cluj Napoca
The Faculty of Veterinarian Medicine of Cluj Napoca was established in 1962 due to the necessity of a veterinary medical teaching system at the national level, which was able to respond to the demands of animal breeding and animal health. Since it was founded, the faculty has trained more than 3,200 veterinarians (national and international). The Faculty of Veterinarian Medicine of Cluj Napoca is one of faculties of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine founded in Cluj-Napoca in 1906.
University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj Napoca
With around 6,000 students, the Universities of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj Napoca offers 21 undergraduate programs, all are available in Romanian, 2 in French and 1 in English. Additionally, the University offers 23 Master programs (20 in Romanian, 2 in English and 1 in French.
The University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj-Napoca has adopted the Bologna Process and European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). The University currently offers programs in Romanian, English and French in all the three cycle: cycle 1 (bachelor's degree), cycle 2 (master's degree) and cycle 3 (doctorate).
Faculty of Veterinarian Medicine of Cluj Napoca
Veterinary medicine (English, French and Romanian): 6 year program;
Food control and security (Romanian): 6 year program;
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Banat of Timisoara
Banat’s Faculty of Veterinary Medicine from Timisoara is part of the Banat`s University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine from Timisoara and was founded in 1962. The faculty offer course of Undergraduate Veterinary medicine in English and in Romanian and graduate( PhD).
Banat's University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine from Timișoara
Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine from Timisoara is a complex university with 6 faculties: Agriculture, Horticulture and Forestry, Farm Management, Veterinary Medicine, Agro-Food, Processing Technologies and Animal Husbandry and Biotechnologies.
The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is a full member of EAEVE (European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education), FVE (European Veterinary Federation), WVA (World Veterinary Association) and participate of ETCS (European Transferable Credit System) and it is EAEVE evaluated.
Undergraduate Veterinary Medicine of Banat in Timisoara
Undergraduate course organized by the faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Banat in Timisoara is Veterinary medicine available in English and in Romanian for 6 years. The Veterinary Medicine program leads to Doctor of Veterinary Medicine.
The tuition fee of undergraduate Veterinary Medicine on Banat is 3,200 Euro/year in the first 3 years (1st, 2nd and 3rd year, respectively) when all teaching activities are performed in English. For the next 3 years (4th, 5th and 6th year, respectively) with teaching activities in Romanian, the tuition fee is approx. 700 Euro/year for the students from EU countries, the same with the fee paid by the Romanian students. For the students from non EU countries the fee is 3,200 Euro/year.
Graduate Veterinary Medicine of Banat in Timisoara
PhD in Veterinary Medicine: 4 year full time studies and leads to PhD in Veterinary Medicine diploma.
Doctorate or PhD’s main research fields of Veterinary Medicine of Banat are:
Improving prevention, control and diagnosis methods and means in infections, parasitic and surgical diseases;
Morpho- functional research in the fields of normal and pathological state of animal
Developing new preparation of veterinary usage;
Characterizing natural and adaptive immunity response induces by different natural and synthesis products;
Impact of xeno biotics substances on animal body and on animal food safety;
Studying normal and pathologic metabolisms in same organic and inorganic nutrients;
Animal ethology and welfare;
Food quality and safety;
Controlling non-fecundity, directing the reproductive function and reproduction bio technics;
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